Tuesday, July 15, 2014
When I was nine years old and Colleen was seven, we were going to spend a few days with our cousin, Tammy, in Lexington. It was August, and I had just celebrated my birthday. We were excited at the fun we planned to have.
Tammy's life was so different than ours, and we really didn't know her very well, but we liked her a lot and got along. She was right in the middle of us, and at eight, was taking ballet and learning to play an instrument, which was really exotic to us. We were riding bikes and swimming in our little pool in the back yard and playing whiffle ball in the court, and anyone in a tutu was something special. She lived in an old Victorian house that was 3 stories tall and had a servant's wing, a claw foot tub, stained glass windows, and a fireplace in every bedroom. The back stairs had once been used by servants, and my uncle's sense of humor enticed him to put a plaster hand on the newel post instead of the usual ball, and it freaked us out every time we used those stairs. The house was massive, unlike our 3 bedroom ranch, but it had no yard, so we played in the park nearby, building fairy houses among the roots of the massive oak trees that grew there.
Tammy's room was at the top of the stairs, and her dad had hung what I remember as a big rubber band from her door frame that let us swing in the house. We were able to get it going so high that we could almost swing out over the staircase. We had great fun on that swing. Later that first night, we all 3 crowded into the big tub in our bathing suits and splashed around like it was a pool. Tammy and Colleen shared her bed, and I slept on an old army cot that they used when they camped. It was exciting in idea but not in reality. The cot smelled musty, and it was narrow and uncomfortable. Long after my sister and cousin had fallen asleep, I laid awake in that very tall room, unable to see into the corners of the ceiling and looking at the fireplace and the strange closet wondering what might be lurking in those dark spaces.
The next morning, we headed to Tammy's swim lessons with the promise of a dip in the local pool afterwards. We got to get in and be very quiet while Tammy took lessons, and then we got to swim for awhile, but not as long as we had hoped. My aunt had fixed us a picnic lunch. My favorite sandwich was cheese with mayonnaise (NOT Miracle Whip), but she didn't have any mayo or Miracle Whip, so she used butter instead. I couldn't eat it. We got a can of Coke to split between us (there were five of us counting my two older cousins), so we each got just a swallow.
The democratic convention was on TV, so we didn't get to watch "Little House on the Prairie" that Monday night, and there was no TV during the day, and we had to go to bed while it was still light outside.
Bit by bit, I realized that I missed my mom and the freedom I had at my house. I missed the small room that I shared with Colleen and my bed and mayonnaise on my sandwich. I missed Coke in a glass with ice and watching Gilligan's Island on a hot afternoon. I missed my yard and my swing set and the knee-high pool that was in our back yard with the bucket of water to wash the grass off of our feet. I missed riding my bike and my dad when he came home from work. I got homesick, and I began to cry.
I couldn't stop crying. I didn't know what hit me, but all of a sudden, I just wanted my mom. My poor aunt didn't know what to do. Calling Louisville was long distance, but she asked if I wanted to talk to my mom, and I nodded yes, tears running down my cheeks. I heard her tell my mom that I was fine and that I just needed to hear her voice and I'd be okay. She put me on the phone, and as soon as I heard Mom say, "Hi Sharron," I burst into tears. I couldn't speak. I remember standing there in the hallway sobbing, no words would come out of my mouth. I could hardly even breathe. My mom said, "Calm down, honey. It's okay. Do you want to come home?" It was all I could do to moan, "Umm hmm!" My aunt got back on the phone, and they made arrangements for our dad to come pick Colleen and me up the next day. My mom told me later that she couldn't stand the thought of leaving us there when we were so homesick.
I cried myself to sleep that night on that narrow cot. By this time, Colleen had taken my lead and she was crying too. Poor Tammy was left wondering what happened.
I don't remember a thing that we did the next day except that it was an excruciatingly long day waiting for my dad to get off work and drive to Lexington to get us, but I knew he would come, and it made the day bearable. I remember being a little ashamed that I had wanted to go home so badly, but not so ashamed that I was willing to stay.
The ride home in my dad's car was heaven. I don't remember much except the great feeling of relief and of never wanting to leave home again.
Well, as we all do, I finally left home, moving to Texas, then Arizona, and then Hawaii. I built my own life as a wife and mother, and then the pull from Louisville was so strong that Kirk and I ended up back here, surrounded by family. We bought a nice house in a neighborhood similar to the one in which I grew up, and I have a great life.
But today, I want to go home. I ache inside like I did almost 40 years ago. I would like nothing more than to pick up the phone and hear my mom's voice saying, "Hi Sharron, do you want to come home?"
Thursday, July 10, 2014
History Comes Full Circle
When Kyle was about 4, he became enamored of all things related to the Revolutionary War. He found an infomercial on Colonial Williamsburg one Saturday morning and watched it over and over. He wanted breeches and a vest and a tricorn hat. He begged for a musket and could we please go to Williamsburg??? He wore his dress up clothes much of the time and pretended to fight the British nearly every day. We went to a reenactment at Locust Grove, and he was hooked.
My mom remembered a song by Johnny Horton that started out,
"In 1814 we took a little trip
Along with General Jackson
Down the mighty Mississip.
We took a little bacon
And we took a little beans
And we fought the bloody British
At the town of New Orleans."
Mom went to a record store (yes there were still record stores then!) and while she couldn't remember the name of the song, she remembered the lyrics and sang it to the clerk. It was "The Battle of New Orleans." He found the CD, and Mom bought it and brought it to Kyle, excited to watch his reaction.
Never mind that it was the wrong war, Kyle loved the music and the fighting the British, and he listened to that song over and over, marching in a circle around our first floor. Claire even got into the act, and the two of them made quite a pair.
I made Kyle an outfit and we made plans to go to Williamsburg. It was a week to remember! Kyle made friends with the militia and rose in rank from "Private Kyle" to "Corporal Kyle" by the end of our stay. The militia actually put him to work and had him giving orders and teaching the "new recruits" how to wheel to the left and stand at attention.
He got to "fire" a cannon and even had Claire swabbing out the gun tube.
He got to meet George Washington and Patrick Henry. I'll never forget Patrick Henry's response when Kyle said, "I know what you said: Give me liberty or give me death!" The Williamsburg "date" that day was before the time Henry actually said this, but the actor replied, "I haven't said that yet, but I like it! I might want to quote you one day!"
We drove over to Yorktown, and Kyle walked on the battlefield and hid behind trees and charged the enemy.
It was a wonderful, magical week. We suspended disbelief and immersed ourselves in the past, and had a ball.
We had no idea it would be the beginning of such a long and interesting ride.
Kyle continued his love of history and reenacting. We visited Boonesborough and Ft. Harrod. We went to the Civil War fort Ft. Duffield and to Perryville for the reenactment. We went to Clark's Point and hung out with the Corps of Discovery and got involved with Locust Grove portraying members of the Clark and Croghan families. We went to Vincennes for the reenactment of the battle of Ft. Sackville. We went back to Williamsburg and to old forts in Minnesota, Alabama, New York, and Florida. We toured Gettysburg.
Kyle continued reenacting until it wasn't "cool" anymore at about age 13. He still loved it, but didn't want anyone to see him doing it. Around 16, Kyle decided to start reenacting again, quietly, but with a good group of guys. Actually, some of the very same guys he had met as a little 4-year-old boy at Locust Grove and Ft. Harrod were still in the company. His first reeactment as a a participant was at Vincennes, where we had been spectators just a few years before. He's reenacted at events at Locust Grove, talking to little kids just like he was so many years ago. He bought himself a real musket and even has one of the tents like he's sitting in in the picture at Yorktown above.
This past fall, Kyle was lucky enough to participate in the Battle of the Hook, an important part of the Battle of Yorktown. He "fought" on the actual battle ground
and rowed a period-style boat across the river ferrying soldiers to the battle.
One night, he and some of the guys from the company ventured into Williamsburg in costume and had dinner in a tavern and sang sea chanties to the guests.
In January, Kyle will travel down to New Orleans to reenact the Battle of New Orleans, the very same battle that he "fought" in my living room, while Johnny Horton sang about it all those years ago. I wish my mom were here to share this!
But the coolest of all is that Kyle's 4th great-grandfather (my 3rd), Bennett Mattingly, was actually IN the Battle of New Orleans 200 years ago this year. And, they are just about the same age; Kyle almost 19 and Bennett around 20. The reenactment will take place just about a mile from the site of the actual battle.
I don't understand this connection to the past, but I love how it's come full-circle!
At Locust Grove, April 2000 |
My mom remembered a song by Johnny Horton that started out,
"In 1814 we took a little trip
Along with General Jackson
Down the mighty Mississip.
We took a little bacon
And we took a little beans
And we fought the bloody British
At the town of New Orleans."
Mom went to a record store (yes there were still record stores then!) and while she couldn't remember the name of the song, she remembered the lyrics and sang it to the clerk. It was "The Battle of New Orleans." He found the CD, and Mom bought it and brought it to Kyle, excited to watch his reaction.
Never mind that it was the wrong war, Kyle loved the music and the fighting the British, and he listened to that song over and over, marching in a circle around our first floor. Claire even got into the act, and the two of them made quite a pair.
I made Kyle an outfit and we made plans to go to Williamsburg. It was a week to remember! Kyle made friends with the militia and rose in rank from "Private Kyle" to "Corporal Kyle" by the end of our stay. The militia actually put him to work and had him giving orders and teaching the "new recruits" how to wheel to the left and stand at attention.
Corporal Kyle. Notice the sergeant is holding Kyle's musket! |
Shouting, "Huzzah!" as the fife and drum corps marched by. |
We drove over to Yorktown, and Kyle walked on the battlefield and hid behind trees and charged the enemy.
We had no idea it would be the beginning of such a long and interesting ride.
Kyle continued his love of history and reenacting. We visited Boonesborough and Ft. Harrod. We went to the Civil War fort Ft. Duffield and to Perryville for the reenactment. We went to Clark's Point and hung out with the Corps of Discovery and got involved with Locust Grove portraying members of the Clark and Croghan families. We went to Vincennes for the reenactment of the battle of Ft. Sackville. We went back to Williamsburg and to old forts in Minnesota, Alabama, New York, and Florida. We toured Gettysburg.
Kyle continued reenacting until it wasn't "cool" anymore at about age 13. He still loved it, but didn't want anyone to see him doing it. Around 16, Kyle decided to start reenacting again, quietly, but with a good group of guys. Actually, some of the very same guys he had met as a little 4-year-old boy at Locust Grove and Ft. Harrod were still in the company. His first reeactment as a a participant was at Vincennes, where we had been spectators just a few years before. He's reenacted at events at Locust Grove, talking to little kids just like he was so many years ago. He bought himself a real musket and even has one of the tents like he's sitting in in the picture at Yorktown above.
This past fall, Kyle was lucky enough to participate in the Battle of the Hook, an important part of the Battle of Yorktown. He "fought" on the actual battle ground
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Battle of the Hook. Kyle is in there somewhere. |
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Kyle in the front in the green hunting coat. |
In January, Kyle will travel down to New Orleans to reenact the Battle of New Orleans, the very same battle that he "fought" in my living room, while Johnny Horton sang about it all those years ago. I wish my mom were here to share this!
But the coolest of all is that Kyle's 4th great-grandfather (my 3rd), Bennett Mattingly, was actually IN the Battle of New Orleans 200 years ago this year. And, they are just about the same age; Kyle almost 19 and Bennett around 20. The reenactment will take place just about a mile from the site of the actual battle.
I don't understand this connection to the past, but I love how it's come full-circle!
Kyle at the wreath-laying ceremony honoring the national guard. Jan. 9, 2015 |
Reenactment of the Battle of New Orleans. Kyle is in there somewhere. Jan. 10, 2015 |
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