Friday, April 24, 2009

Snapshot: Emily

I saw her standing in the backyard under the maple tree looking up, intently scanning for something I couldn't see. She was wearing the National Guard ball cap her dad had given her on Saturday at Thunder. It's too big, so it doesn't sit well on her head, and her short blond hair was sticking out willy-nilly from under it. Her shorts and tee shirt were dirty, and her feet were asphalt black from going around with no shoes on.

I watched her through the kitchen window for a bit. She stood still, poised to spring, gazing intently at the sky.

Curious, I went to the back door and asked, "Emily, honey, what are you doing out there?"

She looked over at me with a big grin on her face and replied with the joy of a seven year old in spring, "I'm catching helicopters!"

My beautiful girl.


khilbrecht said...

I love the way you capture these moments in our children's lives! Your mastering of our language has me in awe with every sentence, every paragraph...EVERY TIME! Luv, Kirk

khilbrecht said...

I love the way you capture these moments in our children's lives! Your mastering of our language has me in awe with every sentence, every paragraph...EVERY TIME! Luv, Kirk