Saturday, May 22, 2010

Stress =

Having a suspicious "thickening" under your arm and pain to go along with that...Waiting two weeks for an ultrasound and MRI to see what it is...Convincing your dad to move into a house three doors down and then having him cry when you tell him you've made an offer on his behalf...Having your bid rejected and wondering what to do next...Planning a basement remodel and trying to figure out just what the hell to do with all of the crap you've collected thus far in your life...Considering paying for that AND a St. X education...Thinking that if your dad moves, you are responsible for all of his crap too...Having your oldest getting ready to graduate from 8th grade and start high school...Where did the time go...Having your middle child begging for an email...Having your husband gone a lot of the time and doing life by yourself...Fourteen loads of laundry in the basement waiting to be sorted, washed, dried, carried upstairs, folded, carried up more stairs, put away...having to do that again every...single...week...Teenagers...Needing to work in the yard and being unable to do so...Eighth grade teachers...An ineffectual school administration...Rain, rain, and more rain...Tiring...

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