Sunday, January 25, 2015

Thinking About a Job...And Feeling Sick

So Kirk tells me the other day that I may need to get a job.   There are a lot of moving parts right now, and an additional income, no matter how small, would be a nice buffer.

I was like, "WTH?"

I haven't worked a "real job" in 17 years.  I taught from 1991-1996 around the country and then one miserable school year in 1997-98 here in Louisville.  My teaching certificate has now expired, and I would need to get my Master's Degree in order to teach again, and I don't want to do either one of those things.  I was a facilitator for Catholic Charities' Insights program for awhile.  I took pictures for Louisville Catholic Sports last year, but I have done nothing for which I've gotten paid a decent salary in almost 20 years.

This is not to say that these past 20 years have seen me sitting on the couch and eating bonbons.  No sirree.  I have been a busy, busy mother, wife, daughter, sister, and friend for the past two decades.  I've volunteered at schools, both grade schools and high schools.  I've volunteered at historic homes, church, and charity events.  I've raised money, raised awareness, and raised hell.  I've made costumes, painted houses, refinished furniture, landscaped yards, sold homes, canned food, resettled refugees, and taken care of elderly relatives.  I've helped both of my parents move from this life to the next.  I submitted hundred thousand dollar budgets and represented a dozen committees at the parish council.  I've spent hours in doctors' offices with loved ones, run errands for sick friends, and made countless meals for people who were sick or sad or lonely.  I've fought a government entity and took some pretty freaking amazing photographs.  I've written blogs and poems and letters to the editor.  I even wrote a song once, but that is a story for another day.

Now I'm told I should maybe think about getting a part-time job, and I'm thinking, "What the hell am I supposed to do?"

Despite all that I have done, I really have no skills that I can market.  I am technologically illiterate.  I have no idea how to use a smart board or a smart phone or Dropbox or an iPad.  If I did go back to teaching, I'd be so far behind the times that I'd be asking for the overhead projector.  I don't want to work retail or substitute teach (pull my fingernails out, please).  I need flexibility for my kids because they still need me.

I am spoiled, and I will admit that I love being able to be home with my kids when they are sick.  I love being a room mom and going to awards' ceremonies and prayer groups.  I like having the days off that my kids are off.  I want to be home for them and drive them where they need to go.  In a mere 3 years, yes, three years, Emily will be driving, and my Mom's Taxi Service will go out of business.  Wow.  I just now realized that.  I have been driving kids around for nineteen years, and in three more, that chapter will close.  Well, that makes me sad.

So, what can I do?

I'm trying to think of some skill that I have that I can market, but I have no idea what that would be.

Any suggestions???

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