Thursday, January 26, 2017

I Believe

January 26, 2017

I believe

God made us all equal
In transparency, honesty, and truth
In generosity, kindness, and civility
In the right of women to have control over our own bodies
Torture is wrong
People should be allowed to marry the person they love
Religion and government should not mix
In science
People have the right to affordable health care
We should do everything possible to protect our environment
In clean water
In clean air
In safe food
We need to take money out of politics
That corporations are not people
We should not register people based on their religion or any other reason
In affordable higher education
We need common sense gun laws
That the arts and arts education are important
That building walls does not solve problems
In the sovereignty of the Native American people
In alternative energy
Black lives matter
Blue lives matter
All lives matter
In doing all that we can to make the world we live in a better place,
    not just for ourselves, but for the less fortunate, the marginalized,
    those without a voice
We have a lot of work to do.

That it's time to stand up for what I believe.

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