Friday, March 20, 2020

Coronavirus---March 20, 2020 Kyle's coming home

Kyle is on his way home.

It wasn't easy to persuade him to leave Macey, but once Malaysia went into virtual shutdown, he decided it might be a good idea to get a plane ticket out.  He was originally supposed to leave on March 24.  Most of the Fulbright ETAs had taken the opportunity to evacuate voluntarily.  Macey had decided to stay, hoping that things would blow over in the 2 weeks of lockdown imposed by the Malaysian government.

I kept texting Kyle how bad things are here and encouraging him to leave, but he said he wasn't going to leave her behind.  I reminded him that the Fulbright program would take care of her, but he would be on his own.

Yesterday, there was a leak out of the State Department that they were going to issue a level 4 travel advisory for all international travel and say that all Americans abroad should either get home now or prepare for an indefinite stay where they were.  I called him at midnight his time and gave him the news.  He wanted to wait until the morning to change his ticket, but I told him that the morning may be too late.  Things are changing by the hour.  So he moved his flight to 7 a.m. our time/p.m. his time today.

Macey got the order to evacuate soon after, and she is coming home in the morning.

Our neighbor across the street, who lives in Florida most of the year, has agreed to let them quarantine there for the next two weeks.  I went and got food for them today.

Emily had a breakdown last night, crying her heart out over the loss of her senior year.  I had no words to comfort her.  There's nothing I can offer her to make it better.  I feel so helpless.

Claire's trip to Cumberland Island is over, and she's on her way back to Louisville for awhile.  Not sure how long she will stay.  She will either be in Emily's room or Kyle's room because we have her room set up as a classroom for Emily.  Flexibility is the key word these days.

Then I saw a post on Facebook, and verified it with the hospital, that a hospital in Indiana is asking people who can sew to make face masks to supplement their supply because they are going to run out.  I went to Joann's and got a bunch of elastic and am going to start making some.  One of my friends wants to take them to the pediatric oncology ward here in Louisville where she works to distribute to patients and staff.  I feel like a woman in World War 1who rolled bandages for the war effort.  I can't believe that this is America.

New York state is shut down now.  So is California.  I don't think Kentucky will be far behind.

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