Friday, December 9, 2016

Christmas 2016

Christmas 2016

On the morning of August 31, 2016, my kids gathered in the kitchen before the girls left for school for one more group hug.  They do that a lot, those three, but the hugs usually end up with Kyle tickling the girls and hilarity ensuing. Not so this particular morning.  This time, the hug ended with tears and “I love yous” and “I’ll miss you so much” Kyle was leaving later that day for a semester studying at the University of Luneburg in Germany, and the hug was their goodbye.  He would be gone when they got home from school. 

Kirk and I drove Kyle to the airport, checked his bag, and walked with him to security.  We got our hugs too, along with final words of wisdom…Keep a copy of your passport with you at all time…Don’t leave your things unattended…Pay attention to your surroundings…We stood there while he passed through the gate, got his shoes back on, and headed down the terminal, getting smaller and smaller until he turned the corner and was out of sight.  I cried then.  I felt like that dad in the car commercial handing keys to his daughter who he still sees as a preschooler. 

Kirk headed on to work, but I wanted to stay until Kyle’s plane had taken off in case there was a delay.  I decided to drive over to the cell phone lot and watch from there.  I texted Kyle to see where he was on the plane, and luckily, he was on the side facing me.  I waved.  He said he saw me.  I stood there watching, waiting until the plane pulled away from the terminal and began to taxi down the runway.  Tears streaming down my face, I jumped up and down and waved my arms as it lifted off, hoping Kyle could see me as he began the adventure of a lifetime.  He will miss Christmas for the first time this year (he’s spending it in Ireland, so don’t feel too bad for him!) and gets home on Jan. 4.  We can’t wait to see him!

Kyle is not the only one who we had to let fly this year.  Claire spent 5 weeks at Morehead University this summer participating in the Governor’s Scholar Program.  Then she spent another week doing service work in Kentucky with Y-Corps, so she was gone for much of the summer.  Now she is busy finishing up college applications and scholarship essays.  I can’t believe she’s almost in her final semester of high school. 

Emily and I hung out a lot this summer.  It was nice, but weird, just having one child at home.  For most of  July, we drove back and forth to New Albany as she rehearsed for Hairspray with New Albany RiverStage Theater.  She started Sacred Heart and jumped right in and got a role in 42nd Street, joined the Y-Club and the choir.  She’s made tons of new friends and loves school.

Kirk celebrates a year at The Jump Agency and is still doing National Guard on the weekends.  I got a very part-time job at…wait for it…Locust Grove!  I’m working on the occasional weekend in the Visitor’s Center doing visitor center things.  I have spent enough time there over the years, might as well get paid for it!

As we wind up 2016, may you find yourself surrounded by the ones you love, embraced in the biggest group hug you could ever ask for, and may it always end in hilarity!


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