Saturday, September 5, 2015

Other People's Dog Poop

I don't have a dog for a reason:  Three of us in our family are allergic to them.  But even if we weren't allergic, I still wouldn't have a dog because, well, I don't really like them.  Please don't hate me.  I'm sorry.  I've tried to like dogs.  We had a basset hound when I was a kid, and she was great, but even then, I really only liked her ears.

And as I've gotten older, I have pretty much stopped liking dogs altogether.

Don't get me wrong.  I like looking at dogs.  I think they are cute.


I know they are helpful.  They are great companions for kids and assistants for the disabled.  They rescue people and sniff out explosives and aid our soldiers in their jobs.

But they stink.  And they shed.  And slobber.  And poop great poops in the yard that have to be scooped up, usually by an adult, and carried down the street in a Kroger bag while the dog trots merrily along on a leash.  This visual is always amusing to me for some reason, but I digress.

You can imagine my frustration and utter disgust when yesterday, while working in my yard, my dog-free yard, I stepped in a big ol' pile of shit.  It squished up into the treads of my shoes and along the sides and sat there stinking.  I threw my clippers down in anger and dragged my shoe in the grass trying to get the worst out before I trekked over to the hose to clean the poop off.  I hosed it down, but it still stinks.

I don't care if you have a dog.  If you don't mind the smell and the hair and the slobber and the crap, knock yourself out.  Have 10 dogs.  Just keep them out of my yard, please, or if they have to take a dump here, pick it up and carry it home to your own trash can, because I don't want to be stepping in other people's dog poop.

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