Monday, January 18, 2021

Covid...Day 5

This morning, I got up late, around 8:30.  Our bedroom door was shut, so I thought Kirk might be asleep.  I came downstairs and didn't see the cord he usually has running from the internet to the basement, AND I didn't smell coffee, so I figured he was still in bed.  Then I walked into the kitchen and saw that there WAS a pot brewed.  I went over to smell it, and, surprise!  I didn't smell coffee.  I smelled something, but it wasn't freshly brewed coffee.  I scratched the skin of an orange.  I could smell it, but it seemed far away.  I took the lid off a bottle of cleaner with bleach and could smell the bleach, but, again, far away.  

Uh oh.  

I went ahead and made some oatmeal with blueberries.  I thought a little maple syrup would be tasty in it.  I could taste the sweet, but I couldn't smell the maple.  I brushed my teeth and could feel the "hot" of the peppermint but couldn't really smell it.  I cut up an apple for lunch and could taste the sweet, but again, I couldn't smell the apple.

So, I'm thinking I'm on my way to losing my taste and smell altogether.  It's weird.  Eating the apple was like eating something that is underripe and hasn't gotten its flavor yet.  

My neck aches. and I feel tired.  I'm also cold, but I'm not running a fever.  I don't feel like doing anything but laying around.  I may just do that.

UPDATE:  My Covid test from Saturday just came back negative, so I don't know what the hell is going on.

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