Saturday, January 16, 2021

Covid...Day Three

 Still feeling okay.  I walked to The Little Clinic today for a Covid test.  The NP said my lymph nodes were swollen.  I told her I thought so because my neck is stiff.  I have a tiny bit of drainage and am a little tired.  So far, so good.

Kirk is coughing some.  Can't smell or taste.  We are still separated until I know for sure that I am also infected.

What is scary is not knowing what's coming.  Some of my friends have had no issues.  One friend has been sick for 16 days, another for 2 weeks.  Two friends died.  It's just so scary to wait and not know what to expect.

Claire facetimed me today.  She and Michael were standing in front of a tree.  I thought they were hiking, then she turned the camera, and I could see the Hick's house behind her.  They had brought us vegan "chick'n" (tofu) noodle soup, tomato soup, stuff for grilled cheese sandwiches, vegan cheesecake, orange sherbet, popsicles, an essential oil roller, and a rice sock with lavender from her plants in it.  I've had it on my neck since she left.  It was so sweet of her, and I felt so bad that they drove all that way for nothing.

So, I'll keep my fingers crossed that this is as bad as it gets.

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