Thursday, January 14, 2021

Covid...Day One

 So the day I've been planning for since March has arrived...Kirk has COVID-19.

Claire wanted to come home for a few days, so we got tested on Tuesday like we always do before seeing one another.  Kirk has had a little congestion and a bit of a sore throat the past few days, but he blamed it on all the talking he's been doing on the phone while being in the basement.  I felt lethargic on Monday, but I'd worked a 15 hour day on Friday, and I figured I was still catching up after an exhausting day.  Neither one of us thought we were sick.

I got a negative result yesterday.  Kirk thought he would get his yesterday too, but they didn't post.  This morning, he got the call from The Little Clinic that his test was positive.  

So now we quarantine.  

We've been really careful.  We hardly go out.  We wear masks everywhere we do go.  Where did we get it?  No idea.  Kroger?  The physical therapist?  Work?  We will probably never know.

We have everything we need.  I have plenty of food in the freezer and downstairs on the shelves.  I ordered some fresh fruit and vegetables from Click-List today and picked them up contact free.  We shouldn't have to go out again for the next 10 days.  If we need anything, Colleen can drop it off.  I'm not worried about that.

We called the kids.  Kyle and Macey had been here last week, and he had come by on Sunday for a few minutes.  They are now working from home and will get tested on Monday.  We only saw Emily in the driveway when she got home from Florida on Sunday, so she's good (and to think we were worried about her being the one to get Covid!)  We haven't seen Claire since Christmas, so she's good.  They are all concerned.

It's a weird feeling.  Now that I know I've been exposed for real, and living with a person who has tested positive is for real, it feels inevitable.  I wiped down all the appliances, door handles, remote, etc, but I don't think there's any way I won't get it.  Just this morning, I poured myself a cup of coffee.  Kirk hadn't left me a full cup, and I called him out on it.  Instead of putting water in the pot and brewing enough to fill my mug, he poured some of his into my mug to top it off.  Fifteen minutes later, after I'd finished the coffee, we got the call.  

We've slept in the same bed, used the same bathroom, touched the remote, kissed goodnight...

And so I wonder is my throat feeling like it's getting sore?  Is my neck a little achy?  Do my sinuses feel off?  Or is it all psychosomatic?  And if we do have Covid, how bad will it get?  Some people get really sick.  Some end up in the hospital.  Some die. Some just feel a little bad.  Which one will we be?

Stay tuned...

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